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  • How do I sign into my account?
    If you already have an account created you can access your account using the sign-in page (you'll need the email and password you selected when you created the account).
  • How do I create an account?
    To create an account with us is easy! Simply head to our registration form, fill in your details & leave the rest to us.
  • How do I edit my account?
    Once you're logged into your account you'll have access to your user dashboard. From here you'll be able to change your details and preferences by simply clicking on each field and editing it.
  • How do I get paid?
    CarmichaelUK uses a fully digital payment platform which provides full transparency for both contractors and our clients. When you first start with CarmichaelUK you will be set up on our system and receive your registration and log-in details. The system enables timesheets to be approved online by your hiring manager. The benefit to you is that it will speed up the authorisation process providing extra convenience, accessibility and security for your payments.
  • How do I submit my timesheets and when will I be paid?
    You submit your timesheets online on our digital payment platform, once you have entered your hours and pressed submit, your timesheet will be sent to your authoriser to be approved. To ensure the timely processing of your timesheets and payments of funds to your bank account, we recommend submitting your timesheets for the previous working week no later than COP Monday. After this, liaise with your authoriser to ensure that your timesheets have been reviewed by COP Tuesday. You will receive the monies in your bank account on Friday.
  • How can I find out more about Kingsbridge Insurance?
    To find out more about Kingsbridge insurance and the other benefits they can offer you, please call us on 0208 522 8888.
  • Do I need Insurance?
    At CarmichaelUK, we require all of our contractor candidates to have professional indemnity and public liability insurance in place at all times. In addition, our clients insist that appropriate insurances are in place prior to a contractor starting work on their site.
  • How do I get insurance?
    To get professional indemnity and public liability insurance you'll need to source a broker or provider. Our contractors have told us that arranging insurance can sometimes be unnecessarily complicated and in some cases expensive, therefore we have negotiated a 10% discount with our partner and specialist broker Kingsbridge Contractor insurance*. Kingsbridge provides a competitive and fully compliant package which includes all the key insurances you require for your contract with CarmichaelUK. This means you only need one policy to cover your main exposures and meet your contractual obligations.
  • Where can I find information about visas and certifications?
    If you'd like to find out more information regarding moving to the UK to work, please fill out the form below and we will send you our New Arrivals Information Booklet.
  • What type of projects does CarmichaelUK recruit for?
    We recruit across the civils, water, energy, highways and rail sectors. In particular, we specialise in providing contract and permanent recruitment services at all levels nationwide across the UK and Ireland. We mainly work with top-tier contractors on the most iconic projects currently taking place in the UK. Some of the projects that our contractors have worked on over our 25+ year history include the London Millennium Dome, Channel Tunnel Rail Link (HS1), the London Olympics and Crossrail. For more information, visit our New Arrivals FAQ
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